Windows – IE10 downloading files has .exe become _exe

internet explorerinternet-explorer-10windows 7

I have a Windows 7 SP1 x86 machine with IE10, fully patched, which has strange issues with downloads in internet explorer. Specifically, any exe (as well as others) has the period/dot/full stop replaced with an underscore. As such, a download for foo.exe becomes foo_exe.

Attempting to download the file will initially fail with "This file couldn't be downloaded" and any attempt to cancel, open or exit the download prompt is ignored. Retrying the download will allow it to complete successfully.

Attempting to update to IE11 fails, with a log entry in C:\windows\IE11_main.log reporting that an attempt to download required files was unsuccessful.

Diagnostic steps:

Best Answer

Running a Process Monitor trace of the file download starting showed that the CreateFile calls to write to the Temporary Internet Files directory were failing with the error code of DELETE_PENDING. Process Monitor was filtered such that the Path contains the name of the file being downloaded.

Process Explorer showed open handles to the Temporary Internet Files directory opened by svchost running the Roaming Profiles service. Restarting the service released the handle, allowing IE to properly write the file.

No further issues with downloads were reported.

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