Windows – IE 8 likes to save photos as BMP when the photo is JPG. How to solve this

bmpinternet-explorer-8jpegwindows 7

When I use FF or Chrome to look at photos on Facebook, and save the photos to the hard drive, the photos will be saved as JPG, which is what the photo is originally.

But once in a while when IE 8 is used, the photo will be saved as BMP. (try the ones on Facebook, for example). Is there a way to make IE 8 (mine is on Win7) not save it as BMP and as JPG? thanks.

Best Answer

here's an MSKB artcicle dealing with the matter:

Internet Explorer saves images as bitmaps (.bmp Files)

and here's a possible solution for the problem with IE7/8

Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab > Internet Explorer Settings

Click the Reset button

check the box Delete Personal Settings

Click Reset and restart IE.