Memory – Understanding RAM Usage in Windows 10

memorywindows 10

RAM Image

RAM Image

Is this normal RAM usage? I have Single Channel ddr2 RAM, maximum memory is off in System Configuration. I don't understand why I have 5,7GB available, sometimes as low as 4GB in idle. System info and BIOS says I have 8GB installed so no problem there. RAM usage is usually around 27% to 30% idle, while CPU usage is 1% idle. While gaming RAM usage is 60%.

Now i'm questioning what Available and In use really mean. Everything seems fine but I don't understand the information being presented to me by windows.

Best Answer

Windows actually have two types of "free" memory:

  • Free: The memory is actually free of all kind of data and can be used right away.
  • Available: This represent the free memory and the cached memory.

Since Windows Vista, Windows actually tries to pre-load some files into the memory so it could be accessed faster later, it's the cached memory.

Don't worry, your ram usage is perfectly fine.

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