Windows – I can’t change any system files from CMD

command linefilesystemspasswordswindowswindows 7

In my previous question:

I forgot the Windows 7 password on my own computer, I used the trick
described in Resetting Your Forgotten Windows Password

Boot from the Windows 7 repair ISO.


copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe Use the
Sticky Keys feature of the log in screen (now the command prompt) to

net user Admin MyNewPassword I kept the file there in case I ever
forgot it again.

A client of mine asked if I could do the same for him, and he also has
a PC with Windows 7 Professional x32.

I followed the same steps as on my computer. The command of step 2
says it was successful, but when press Shift five times to trigger
Sticky Keys, the regular message for sethc.exe opens up.

I tried entering the command of step 3 directly from the repair ISO.
This claimed to be successful as well, but the password was not

What I'm doing wrong?

I have realized the problem is bigger than just not being able to change the password, any changes made to files using CMD don't actually change… and I can't figure out why.

In regard to the password, I tried using several "password reset" ISOs and they also look like they work but don't actually change anything.


Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\system32>net user Administrator NEWPASS
The command completed successfully.

Password doesn't change.

Best Answer

I would recommend you use the Offline NT Password and Registry Editor to reset your Windows password.

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