Windows – I am using Windows 7 and I get a 169.254.x.x ip address

windows 7

Can you help me guys with my problem? I am using Windows 7 and I get 169.254.x.x IP address. What would be the problem? Can you please gave me a step-by-step procedure?

Here’s what I have tried:

  • ipconfig /all got us a 169.254.x.x ip address and no default gateway
  • ipconfig /release gave us the same number
  • ipconfig /renew failed
  • also tried to check cable and done hard reset for both modem and router, still not working

Best Answer

A 169.254.x.x means the computer has physical ethernet Link, but cannot get an IP address from your router. You can try following things:

  • use another ethernet cable
  • try use wifi if available
  • use another computer or smartphone to check if the router is working, and check router log for errors
  • if you know the IP of the router, set a static IP on your computer.
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