Human-readable dump of gpg public key


Is there some tool to write out the actual content of a GnuPG public key in a way a human can unserstand? I mean not only ascii-armor which a human can read and type, but something which really breaks down the data into large decimal numbers for the crypto part, strings for the UIDs, and so on? I'd really like to see what's in there.

Actual application today: I've two keys from the same person, created at the same date, but differing in fingerprint. The assumption is that one of them was created from the other by some kind of conversion, probably by importing the older key into a keychaing using recent software. I'd like to see what actually changed. Perhaps it's only the fingerprinting algorithm which changed, but perhaps there is more to it.

Best Answer


gpg --list-packets --verbose < pubkey.asc

It doesn't dump the key data, but it shows all the other details. To dump additional raw data parts you need debug flag 2, so add --debug 0x02, this will dump the keys and other data in hex. This works in GPG versions 1.2 and 1.4, but sadly not in 2.0 as support for dumping bignum (MPI) data is not enabled (see DBG_MPI in g10/parse-packet.c) for some reason.

Also try pgpdump:

pgpdump < pubkey.asc