Windows – Huge memory usage in Nonpaged Pool

memorysysinternalswindows 7

I have a one-year-old iMac with 8GB RAM running a bootcamped Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

The following memory analysis with Sysinternals RamMap.exe leaves some questions open:

enter image description here

What could be the reason for the nearly 5 GB of memory in the Nonpaged Pool? How can I find out which driver is causing this huge memory usage?

Best Answer

Found it, you can add the column "NP Pool" to the "Processes" tab on Task Manager:

enter image description here

In my case, the culprit was Fling File Transfer, which has a serious memory leak. It was using more than 2 GB of the nonpaged memory pool before I restarted it. The above screenshot shows it after running for two minutes.

Bug report filed.

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