USB – How to Tell a USB Cable Version


Here is a question a student asked me in one of my A+ certification classes: How can you tell a USB cable version? I honestly don't know the answer and I can't find one either.

USB cables are rated for versions 1, 1.1, 2, and now 3. I have seen their versions on the packaging, but never marked on the cable itself. Since the respective versions are manufactured differently, there is a difference between them.

So, how can you tell?

On Wikipedia: USB cables v.2 and earlier do use a "twisted pair" method, but it doesn't specify if the cables themselves are the same or different. Is the cable rating system for v.2 and earlier just marketing hype?

Best Answer

The USB-IF says all fully compliant USB 1.1 cables sold also meet the specifications for USB 2.0 Hi-Speed (although low quality, non-compliant cables may not work at the higher speed).

USB 3.0 cables include nine pins (instead of just four for USB 2.0) and have a larger "B" (device) end that will not fit into USB 2.0 printers, scanners, etc. These cables seem to often have a blue color and/or an "SS" (SuperSpeed) marking next to the USB logo.

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