How to verify whether a track is in mono or stereo


Sometimes I have to verify using a reputable method if an audio track is recorded in mono or stereo, especially when researching older music albums.
I have a reason to believe that Audacity doesn't tell this when opening a file (2009 mono remaster of Please Please Me by The Beatles is displayed as stereo).

Best Answer

One way to tell if a stereo-file has the same mono-track on both its channels is by phase-inverting one of the channels (for example, the left one) and then add it up with the other channel. (Therefore we're looking for the phase-coherence)

I don't use audacity very frequently, so I do not know if it is able to do such a thing, but here's a small FFmpeg-syntax that does what you want:

ffmpeg -i 'is_this_stereo.wav' -filter_complex "stereotools=phasel=1" -ac 1 'output.wav'

(Also works with other audio-codecs - outputting a lossless format like WAV ensures that the encoding doesn't delete anything)

What that FFmpeg-script does: It reverses the phase of the left channel, then sums up both channels in one new channel.

Instead of -ac 1, you could also alter the filter_complex-chain to stereotools=phasel=1[tmp];[tmp]pan=1c:c0=0.5*c0+0.5*c1. I don't think this is necessary, however.

If you then look at the newly created file, and you see a flat line in the waveform, then the left channel of the original file is exactly the same as the right one. If there are only very small peaks (say, around -60dB or less) then the difference probably is just caused by encoding artifacts - just listen to it to be sure.

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