MacOS – How to use the defaults command to resize bluestacks


I'm trying to resize the bluestacks window using the command below. I'm trying to change it to 1200×800.

defaults write com.bluestacks.BlueStacks "NSWindow Frame browserWindow" "-48 -22 1200 800 0 0 1200 800 "

Seems that the command works:

defaults read com.bluestacks.BlueStacks
    "NSWindow Frame browserWindow" = "-48 -22 1200 800 0 0 1200 800 ";

But when I open bluestacks it doesn't have the new size and the settings have been overwritten.

defaults read com.bluestacks.BlueStacks
    "NSWindow Frame browserWindow" = "-48 -22 1536 899 0 0 1440 877 ";

macOS Sierra 10.12.6

Best Answer

The way I was finally able to resize the window was by editing the file ~/Library/Preferences/com.BlueStacks.AppPlayer.plist.

I changed these values:

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