Windows – How to Use gntp-send


I'm currently attempting to hack together a way to send notifications to my Android cellphone using growl, and its various forms from Windows and Linux systems. At the current point of time, I'm using the growlnotify binary from growl for windows for testing. It works perfectly from a local system running windows, without any arguments other than the message.

However I'd like to also have notification capabilities from my linux boxen, and gntp-send seems to be a suitable tool.

Unfortunately I can't find a user guide or a man page – the closest thing is the error message, which is about all i seem to be able to get this application to do

gntp-send: [-u] [-i] [-a APPNAME] [-n NOTIFY] [-s SERVER:PORT] [-p PASSWORD] title message [icon] [url]

I've attempted using just the -s and -p arguements (which throws me the above error message), those and the -u arguement (which also throws me the above error message). I'm assuming the standard port for growl (23053) and using the correct IP address

gntp-send -i -a foo -n bar -s -p password test

sits there doing nothing.

So, how do I send a message to a system running growl for Windows, from a Linux system? I'd prefer this solution but any workable alternative would be fine. My end goal is to send a message from a linux system running a CLI install of ubuntu (version isn't important here) to a windows system running growl for windows)?


gntp-send  -s= -p=password test

throws me a different error message gethostbyname: Connection timed out I'm guessing I got the arguements right but something else wrong

Best Answer

I can send messages by just doing,

gntp-send -a "App Name" -s ip-address "title" "msg" /path/to/ico.png

I stumbled upon this, as i was trying too figure a way to set priorities within the sent notification. Unfortunately there are no documents for this and even the git location / readme just explains how to compile but not use :/ really frustrating

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