How to use autoproxy configuration in VLC media player


The VLC media player supports streaming from the internet. However, I'm behind the corporate proxy, and I have an autoproxy configuration. I don't know the actual proxy I should be using because it changes.

How can I tell VLC media player to either use the autoproxy configuration or to use the IE settings?

Best Answer

I haven't seen such a feature native to VLC, but, if you're just trying to get the proxy to use, I do have a suggestion you could try.

Browse to:

(EDIT: To clarify, the links above were a suggestion to help the OP determine the address of his corporate proxy. They would need to be modified to reflect the corporate domain, e.g. replace,, or with your corporate domain. If you already know the proxy address, this is unnecessary.)

If you get a wpad.dat file, open it in a text editor (it's just a javascript function) and it should list the proxies to use.

VLC.exe --http-proxy=myusername:mypassword@SERVERNAME:8080
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