How to updated an encrypted 7zip archive without losing encryption


I created a 7zip archive with AES encryption. I included the option to encrypt the filenames. When I updated the file however I am no longer prompted for a password to open the file and can view the filenames without a password. Newly added files are listed with a minus instead of a plus on the encrypted property and their method property shows LZMA without 7zAES as the first set of files have.

I'm using the windows 7zip file manager GUI.

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to update an archive and maitain the encryption status? Or do I have to extract and recreate the archive if I want all files to be encrypted?

Best Answer

You will have to unencrypt and the re-encrypt the whole thing. Otherwise it would be like encrypting with two layers, and not one (even if the password was the same and the program allowed it, both of which may not be the case).