How to uninstall files and software from a Solid State Drive (SSD)

hard drivessd

I am using a SSD drive just as a main Operation system and software drive. I have a regular spinning disk for data files.

I have read that files are not REALLY deleted from a SSD drive when you "delete" them. So here is my situation and hopefully I can get some good advice.

Let's say I have Windows 7 Pro x64bit installed on my 80gb Intel SSD. I then have Adobe Photoshop CS4 installed along with 50 other programs installed onto this SSD. I then decide I am done with Adobe Phjotoshop CS4 and want to remove it. I then decide I want to install another version of Adobe Photoshop and a few other software titles.

Would I just do the usual, add/remove software from the windows control panel. Or if the software being removed has an "Uninstall" program to run, then run it and uninstall the software?

I realize that all this WILL remove the software from Windows 7 but I am wanting to know if there is additional steps that should be taken since it is a solid state drive (SSD)?

Best Answer

The short answer is no, you don't have to do anything special.

When you delete a file, you're basically telling the filesystem that the storage area reserved for the file on disk is now free for reuse. This is true for both an SSD, and a regular disk. The file data isn't really completely gone until something else uses some of that freed up space and overwrites it.

On a regular drive, there is essentially no limit to the number of times you can reuse a block of storage. Storage blocks on current SSDs will physically fail after a number of writes that is small enough to matter. SSDs avoid failing by doing something called wear leveling. This means the drive will try to actively distribute use over all blocks as evenly as possible.

So, while a file isn't really gone until the storage blocks get rewritten, the blocks tend to get reused/rewritten more rapidly on a regular disk than on an SSD. If you're concerned about data security, writing over a file then deleting it gives you some assurance on a regular drive (although there are more complications than you might imagine). This is much less the case with an SSD. Writing over the file will most likely mark the old blocks as free and write to new ones.

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