How to uninstall expired Kasperksky without required password


My colleage's PC has Kaspersky software that is expired. And he want to remove the software – I help him to uninstall it but the software requires some password that nether of us knows what it is.

A software should be able to be removed by the PC's administrator so I ask here to look for such workaround. My quick google search for this seems not helpful at all.

Please share if you know how to.

Best Answer

  1. Boot in Safe Mode
  2. open regedit

go to Windows 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\AVP16.0.1\settings

change EnablePswrdProtect to 0

  1. restart in normal mode
  2. set a new password for Kasperky (require even if you want to uninstall)
  3. uninstall Kasperky