How to Turn Off Firefox Cache – Browser Optimization


I'm using Firefox 3.5.2. For some reason, it has cached a page and won't update. For example, I added an alert('test'); statement to some JavaScript code which is loaded on the page, but Firefox doesn't see it. When I do a view source, I still see the old code.

So I'm guessing this is a cache issue. How can I fix it, or can I make Firefox never cache anything from http://localhost?

Best Answer

You can force all requests relating to a refresh to actually be requested from the server (bypassing any already cached content, and updating the cache with the new version) by using Ctrl+F5 instead of just F5.

This does not work for requests made by the page within client-side code though. When that is a problem you need to use the POST method (POST requests should never be cached) instead of GET or add an ever-changing value to the query string (such as the current time in ms).