Word – How to turn off proofing/spellcheck in Word 2010 for a single document


I have a document that I open/edit often. I want to turn off the spellcheck functionality for this document, but not for all other documents (and I don't want to have to File/Options/Proofing every time I open it).

Is there a way to turn off proofing selectively (i.e., on a per/document basis)?

Best Answer

I found a better way to do this in Word 2010 after getting so frustrated with this. This is THE way to go if you ask me when working with multiple Styles, etc.

  • Open your document
  • File
  • Options
  • Proofing
  • On the right pane, scroll down
  • Check both checkboxes to enable an Exception for grammar and spelling for your document

enter image description here

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