How to turn off laptop beeping due to screen failed


my DELL N5110 felt on the ground and broke the screen.
All the screen is white and it dims after a while doing nothing.

Fortunately, I have a monitor and I can use laptop with it.

The computer is beeping due to screen error (8 times again and again) and I don't know how to turn this sound off.
It's beeping from speakers.

Now I'm using Linux Ubuntu 12.04

Best Answer

8 Beeps is definitely to do with the monitor not functioning correctly. Since you haven't mentioned this yet, is the monitor physically broken or just 'not working'? If it's not physically broken, it probably just has a loose cable. Judging by the amount of posts about this it could be a common issue with this model as you can see below.

I found a Dell Community thread regarding this topic with a couple methods mentioned that you could try if you feel up to it.

Here are some of the suggestions users have come up with in that thread:

Eight beeps means a display failure.

Since the external monitor works, you know it's not a fault with the video card.

With the notebook off, hold down the "D" key and power the notebook on. If you get solid colors on the screen, then you know the LCD is good. I would look for a problem with the video cable. Just resently, someone found that the front bezel was creating a problem with the video cable.

Here's another:

I encountered the same issue. The laptop had fallen from a table approximately 2-feet above the floor. Upon subsequently attempting to start the N5110 Dell laptop, I saw a white screen and heard 8 beeps. The screen did not change from all-white, and the beeps would resume approximately every 15-seconds.

My solution was to open the computer so that I could see the motherboard. Watch any of a number of videos on youtube for guidance if you are unfamiliar with the technique for properly disassembling and reassembling the N5110 chassis. I removed the CMOS battery from its case on the left-front of the motherboard, After a minute I placed the same battery back into the socket. Taking care to reconnect the three electrical ribbons that run from the motherboard to the keyboard, the battery was replaced and the start button was pushed.

A boot notice appeared on the screen that the computer had been improperly shut-down, and I had the option of restoring to a previous point, or starting Windows normally. I selected the normal start, and after a longer than usual boot, the laptop returned to full functioning.

I don't know if the ol' CMOS battery trick will work in all instances of the dreaded 8-beep error, but pulling the battery and replacing it causes the system to perform a power reset. I wish you similar success should you encounter this issue.

And finally, an entire Dell Community tag dedicated to the N5110 White Screen 8 Beeps issue. This tag only has one post.

If you feel up to opening up your laptop the Dell Service Manual should provide you with enough information on how you can check the monitor cable.

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