Firefox – How to turn off Firefox address bar auto-selection on focus


If you're typing in the Firefox address bar and alttab to a different window, then back, the entire text in the address bar is highlighted. This is extremely annoying to me. Is there a way to turn this behavior off? What I'd like to see is whatever I had when I left the application (e.g. either a selection or an insert point). My Firefox version is 3.5.3, if that matters. Thanks!

Best Answer

From About:Config Tweaks For Firefox 3

(First type about:config in your location field)

18) Enable/Disable Single Click to Select Whole URL in Address bar

To Enable Single Click Select URL of address bar use the below about:config Tweak

browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll = True

To disable Single Click Select

browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll = False
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