How to Turn Google Chrome into a Firefox Clone


Ok I'm addicted to firefox, BUT I cannot be blind: chrome way to handle webpages (pre-loading, rendering and other features) is great.

I was thinking to use this browser, however it's quite hard without something about the interface which is NECESSARY:

Here you can see my interface, I really need something to handle bookmarks on a left pane (history too), I do something similar in visual studio and I want preserve it.

Second needed thing is the right input bar where I can choose a search engine, i use it for wordreference, youtube and wikipedia, while the address bar is used for google.

Third, I don't need live bookmarks because I notices I put them all in a directory ("Notizie"), so something that will contain all rss feed is ok, but should be always visible.

A way to throttle bandwith is necessary.

ADBlock is necessary and that's all.

Optional things:

  • I've heared about a plugin to search through an image (instead of text), it was for firefox… does it exist for chrome too?
  • Something to take a "screenshot" of a whole webpage (even if is scrollable)
  • Sound when download is completed (isn't it already there?)
  • Flagfox (show a flag about where the website comes from)
  • Some addon to take all urls from a text
  • Double click on a link not "linked" (not in tag) to open in as it was a link

Some suggestion guys?

Best Answer

I really need something to handle bookmarks on a left pane (history too), I do something similar in visual studio and I want preserve it.

Second needed thing is the right input bar where I can choose a search engine, i use it for wordreference, youtube and wikipedia, while the address bar is used for google.

No, this is not possible.

I've heared about a plugin to search through an image (instead of text), it was for firefox... does it exist for chrome too?


Something to take a "screenshot" of a whole webpage (even if is scrollable)

Explain And Send Screenshots

Double click on a link not "linked" (not in tag) to open in as it was a link

Right click, Go to.. or this extension



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