How to throttle Netflix’ bandwidth usage


My ISP enforces a monthly bandwidth cap of 250GB. Normally, that would be plenty, but Netflix is burning through my month's supply in about three weeks! How can I force Netflix to use less bandwidth? (Say, two or three bars of "quality", rather than 4+HD.)

We use Netflix primarily on a "slim" Xbox 360, but occasionally use it via the web site as well. The tools I currently have at my disposal are a Netgear WNR1000v3 which runs our network and an older WGR614v8 which isn't currently hooked up. Can I use these to reduce Netflix' consumption? If not, what other (inexpensive) options do I have?

Best Answer

If you sign into your Netflix account and click on Account and Settings then click on Manage Video Quality you can set it to use lower quality and therefore less bandwidth.

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