How to tell whether a graphics card supports audio over HDMI

desktop-computergraphics cardhdmi

I want to connect up my desktop PC to a TV via HDMI for watching video on, in addition to a normal (DVI) desktop monitor. Ideally, I would like the audio and video to go through the HDMI cable to the TV.

I found the GeForce 9600 GT, which comes with an SPDIF cable, but how can I tell if it supports passing audio over HDMI?

Also, are there any websites for comparing graphics cards?

Best Answer

It's not exactly a comparison site, but this subset of the Overclockers forums is a good place to start :

As for the Geforce 9600 supporting HDMI w/Audio, here are 3 that do :

ATI and NVidia cards should all have this now unless the manufacturer removes it in some editions.