How to switch between the HDMI and DVI outputs of the graphics card


I've got an Nvidia GTX 560ti card which currently I've got my 2 monitors hooked up to using the 2 DVI ports.

However its got a mini-HDMI port which I've plugged a HDMI cable in (with mini adapter) and lead it into my TV which is across the room.

I'm hoping to be able to toggle between the HDMI output and the DVI outputs, however I'm not sure how I'd go about this,

Could somebody please point me in the right direction, I'm not really worried about having all 3 on at the same time so that isn't a problem, but if its possible then I'll do that.

Best Answer

I also had this problem, after re-wiring my house so I could use my TVas a monitor for my desktop (controlled wirelessly by my iPad using the app called "screens") I was unable to figure it out until I started messing with NVidia control panel.

so to do it you need to:

  1. go start > control panel
  2. select NVidia control panel
  3. expand display
  4. click on set up multiple displays (next two steps need to be done in order)
  5. then turn off the one you want to swap out (I used my second monitor for ease)
  6. then turn on the one you want to swap in
  7. click apply

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