How to Swap Audio Output of Left and Right Speakers – Windows Vista


I have two speakers stereo speakers but when I use the sound control panel applet to test my audio configuration I get sound in the right speaker when the user interface indicates the right speaker and vice versa. Is there a way to swap the audio output from left to right and right to left?

UPDATE: The reason for this question is that I've recently rearranged my workspace and because of physical constraints the left speaker has to go on the right side and vice versa. I could of course solve this problem with a hardware solution but I'd rather use a software solution if one is available.

Best Answer

You could get a cable that splits into two channels and one that merges them again. Then just swap the channels inbetween. For example this kind and this kind, if I read correctly... cables and audio isn't my thing :p Anyways, something along those lines should work maybe work?

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