Excel – How to stop Excel Treating US dates as UK dates

csvdate timemicrosoft excelregional settings

I'm in the UK, I've got a problem where I've got a list of dates supplied in US format. Excel seems to treat the ones that are valid in both formats as UK dates, (e.g. 03/01/2012 becomes 3rd of January rather that 1st March), and treat the ones that aren't valid UK dates (e.g. 03/13/2012) as basic text. I assume this choice is something to do with my regional settings.

What I want is the system to recognise that this column of text is supplied in US date format, and convert it into the underlying date representation for calculations.

How do I do this?

EDIT: The dates are supplied in a CSV file of the form:

3/ 1/2012, 09:01     , 18:58     ,9.4,0.6

where 3/1 is 1st of March

Best Answer

For Excel 2010, rather than opening your CSV file, create a new workbook, then on the DATA tab, select Get External DataFrom Text. This gets to the interface where you can specify how to interpret your text data, including how to handle dates.

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