How to split HDMI video and audio


I have a single HDMI output cable (from my graphics card, ATI 5750) carrying both HD video & audio.

I connect the cable to the monitor for HD video, but I want to split the HD audio from the HDMI cable & plug it into a 5.1 HTS with an 3 pin analog input.

Do I need some converters/Splitters to achieve this?

Best Answer

If you're using a receiver, most receivers include a HDMI Video out and in.

What I have done with my 5850 is connect a HDMI from the card to my receiver's HDMI IN, and then a HDMI from my receiver's HDMI OUT to my Monitor.

Unfortunately if you don't have a receiver, I don't think there's any other way to get sound to your loud speakers thorough HDMI.

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