How To Solve Intermittent Scrolling Caused By Keyboard That Can Be Stopped Only For A Short Time


Been using rarely my Lenovo G560 laptop and after long time of not using it I have noticed that touchpad stops responding after short while. Incidentally while trying to find the cause, after pointing on taskbar I've noticed swift tabbing in right direction between taskbar icons appearing as some key was stuck which is the case I reckon because when problem reappears and I press on directional right key, the scrolling stops for short period but then resumes. The bad thing is that it also happens in BIOS, not to mention Windows 7 boot screen and scrolls down, which leads me to believe something is faulty in keyboard keys or keyboard itseld because no key is stuck-pressed.

See this video of scrolling in Start menu:

Constant Scrolling Interferes With My Work

This laptop hasn't been used for over a year and I did not drop it. Should I take keyboard off and clean contacts? How to solve this?

Best Answer

It sounds like keys are "sticking down". Though in fact they don't really "stick down", but rather the electrical signals get a bit haywire. More likely if you've ever spilled anything on the KB, but can happen without, especially if the unit is rarely used.

If it's simply a matter of rare use then it's fairly likely that "exercising" the keyboard for a few minutes -- just punching all the keys repeatedly -- will improve the situation, and maybe cure it, at least temporarily.

Added: Keep in mind that most laptop keyboards consist of a rubber membrane over a printed circuit. Pressing a key presses the membrane against the printed circuit, and the conductive rubber of the membrane thus "completes" a circuit, allowing the key press to be detected. (In some cases the detection is capacitive rather than resistive, but the principle is the same.)

A big advantage to this scheme is that it's hard for the innards to get dirty (though spilling liquid on the keyboard can do it).

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