Windows – How to skip the Windows 8 lock screen image

lock-screenwindowswindows 8

Every time I start up the pc or lock it manually and I want to log in again, I have to press random button or mouse click to remove the "Start-screen background". After that I can enter my password/pin to unlock the pc.

What I want is to just start enter the password/pin right away and be done with it. Why show a start-screen that's made for removing anyway?

So how do I skip the lock-screen image? Or make it automatically move away? Or move the password/pin box to the lock-screen? Anything will do, I just want to instantly enter my credentials and be done with it.

Best Answer

Copy this into a new .reg file and import it with regedit.exe:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


This disables the LockScreen completely.