Show Top Row While Scrolling in Excel 2010


I have a lot of data in Excel cells. However, the first row in my Excel file contains cells which represent titles of each cell beneath it. Now, if I'm in row number 100 and I'm filling information and every time I want to know which type of info the cell the cursor is highlighting at the moment I have to go the the top of the file to know that.

Is there a way that can let me know or see the first row while I'm far away beneath it?

Best Answer

You should use Freeze Panes.

1 -Position the cell cursor based on what you want to freeze:

Columns: Select the column to the right of the columns you want to freeze. For example, click any cell in column B to freeze column A.

Rows: Select the row below the rows you want to freeze. For example, click any cell in row 4 to freeze rows 1, 2, and 3.

Columns and rows: Click the cell below the rows and to the right of the columns you want to freeze — essentially, the first cell that isn't frozen. For example, click cell B2 to freeze both column A and row 1.

2- In the Window group of the View tab, choose Freeze Panes→Freeze Panes.

3- In the Window group of the View tab, choose Freeze Panes→Unfreeze Panes to unlock the fixed rows and columns.

You can click the Freeze Top Row or Freeze First Column command in the Freeze Panes drop-down menu to freeze just the top row or first column in the worksheet, without regard to the position of the cell cursor in the worksheet.

enter image description here

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