Microsoft Outlook – How to Set Up Auto Reply During Certain Hours


I would like to protect myself from unreasonable demands during my work day. One of those is telling people that I will not respond to any emails before 3pm.

I'd like to set up a rule in outlook that replies to all emails before 3pm with a specific message. I'd like this to be done every day, no matter the date.

How do I set this up?

I've scoured Google best I can so far, and I think, based on a Exchange forum, that a script might be needed for this. But what I found so far was only server side scripts. I need something on my own machine.


Best Answer

Where your name is in the To box.

Public Sub Check_ReceivedTime(newMail As Outlook.MailItem)

Dim obj As Object
Dim ReceivedHour As Integer
Dim newReply As MailItem
Dim msg As String

ReceivedHour = Hour(newMail.ReceivedTime)

If ReceivedHour < 15 Then

    Set newReply = newMail.reply
    msg = "I will respond some time after 3 pm."

    CreateMail newReply.To, msg


    Debug.Print "After 3. Do not sent the automated reply."

End If

Set newReply = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub CreateMail(ReplyAddress As String, msg As String)

Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem

Set objMail = CreateItem(olMailItem)

With objMail
    .To = ReplyAddress
    .Body = msg

    ' or
    ' .Send

End With

End Sub

Edit: Paste the code into the VBA editor. The code will be availabel in "run a script".

See also

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