How to set up Launchy’s Runner plugin to launch Everything search


I'm trying to configure Everything with Launchy 2.5.0

From command line

everything.exe -search foo

This works pretty much as expected.

What I would like to do is run this command from Launchy, which seems possible with its Runner plugin.

I've given the Runner command the name: search

Set the Program to C:/Program Files/Everything/Everything.exe

Set the arguments to: -search $$ (where $$ is supposed to mark the location for user input)

Then when I bring up Launchy with my keyboard shortcut and type

search (tab press:) foo

Everything opens, but I get the following error:

Unable to open the file list:
C:\Users\helga\AppData\Roaming\Everything\foo not found

I don't understand why it is looking for a file list instead of running the search and can't figure out where I've gone wrong.

Best Answer

Moving my comment to an answer. With Launchy 2.5.0, I am able to set up Everything as a runner task with the following settings

C:/Program Files/Everything/Everything.exe (path to Everything.exe)

arguments: -s " $$

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