Terminator Terminal – How to Scroll Up While New Input is Generated


In Ubuntu, I want to scroll up while a command is running in my terminal window and generates new output (the command that is running is rspec).
I can scroll up, but each time rspec generates a new line of console output, it throws me back down to the bottom.
Is there a way to scroll all the way up?
I'm using terminator on Linux Mint/Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

I found a possible workaround.
Terminator homepage says that with

stty ixon

you can turn on "XON/XOFF flow control for terminal output. Being able to pause output by typing ^S and resume it by typing ^Q […]"

This it not totally what I wanted though, without having to pause the output (and maybe wondering when forgetting to turn it on again), I thought there might be a simple modifier key like shft-alt with mouse wheel scroll-up. Are there better solutions?

Best Answer

Although I'm a bit late, I'm posting this here so that anyone who comes here gets a solution. For me, the solution to the same problem was:

Terminator preferences -> Profiles Tab -> Scrolling [sub]tab -> Uncheck 'Scroll on output' option.

The good thing about this option, is that it will still scroll on output when you are at the very bottom of the output, but as soon as you scroll up, it will stop and won't bother you even if output content is still being generated.

I hope this helps