How to scroll through text with the Git Bash shell with the keyboard

bashkeyboard shortcuts

I am using Git bash on windows 7. Sometimes, when I am in a folder with a lot of files and when I type

$ ls

the shell displays more than one screen's worth of contents. In order to look at the complete results, I have to reach for the mouse and do some scrolling. Is there any way by which I can scroll through the shell window with just the keyboard?

[(Not so optimal)Fix 1] I know that you can achieve the result of scrolling through the results using

$ ls | less

but i feel adding the | less every time is too much work. So please don't suggest this as an answer.

[EDIT 1] The use of ls here is just as an example of any command that returns an output of more than one screen. So please don't center your answers around the ls command and offer answers that solve the problem of scrolling on the command prompt with the keyboard

Best Answer

"Scrolling the Windows [Console] With Only the Keyboard"

That the article talks about cmd.exe is irrelevant; all shells that use the Windows console work the same way in this regard.

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