How to save markdown files with the .md file extension in Notepad


I am using git and github with my research students and we document all of our work with markdown formatted files so they will look good in github.

My students do not have strong computer and coding backgrounds so working with git and text files is unfamiliar to them initially and thus I try to minimize the new software etc… that they have to use at first. When they open .md template files on Windows it automatically opens in Notepad (which is good) but when they save their changes with a new file name using Save As it seems to only be able to save with a .txt file extension.

Is there a way to get Notepad to Save As files with anything other than a .txt extension?

Best Answer

I tested the following, and it saved a .md file using notepad:

  • File -> Save As...
  • Where it says "Save as type:" change the dropdown from "*.txt" to "All Files"
  • Where it says "File name:" type something which ends with ".md"