Windows – How to run Streamripper32 from Task Scheduler


I'm running Windows Vista and I have a program called Streamripper32 which takes radio streams and separates the songs into separate individual tracks and records them to a folder.

What I want to do is use the Task Scheduler to start and run that program on a schedule. I've succeeded to make the app open on schedule, but I can't figure out how to make it start ripping.

Task Scheduler has an option to add arguments (in the "actions" tab). I've tried to add:
start, startrip, and run in that box, and beyond that I don't know what else to try.

Best Answer

You want to research the command line parameters associated with the application in question. Modify whatever command you've got in Task Scheduler to look more like the following:

ConsoleWin32 -d K:\Streamrips\ -r 8008 -q -u FreeAmp/2.x

I would write out the actual command line you need, but there's no way that I can know what parameters you're going to actually need.

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