Run Second Boot Instance of Windows 7 on Another Partition – How to


*This is my 1st post/question – I believe it's a very similar problem/challenge as isipro at —

Get boot-partition to recognize a second operating system

but it seems I'm directed to ask my own question vs replying or expanding theirs.

My scenario:

base.0 = 1st Drive Snapshot image of win.7x64sp1 Ultimate, drivers only + minimal utilities

base.1 = 2nd Drive Snapshot image of same [win.7x64sp1 Ultimate], 75% all apps installed

base.2 = 3rd Drive Snapshot image of same [win.7x64sp1 Ultimate], 100% all apps installed

….. *base.2 is installed to C:\ as the boot drive —

I have a 100 MB System Reserved partition w/ BCD.

I have no problem re-imaging C:\ in order to change between & update the different DS images,
but I want to be able to native-boot into an instance of any image on a 2nd partition,
with the choice available at boot-time.

Using an already-prepared image obviously saves time

by not having to invest the setup/tweak time again.

I want to native-boot vs. virtual machine OR vhd — though I do use these for other purposes.

My Goal:

I want to install my image of base.0 to a partition B:\,
for the purpose of native booting
(no virtual machine desired for this)
into a separate instance of a minimal OS
for app-testing purposes.

This separate instance will persist across re-boots until I desire to re-image & "start over"
from an unchanged baseline.

  • I've followed the steps to configure the BCD as outlined by Jamie Hanrahan in isipro's thread,
    and I get success at the CMD, as well as a separate entry upon boot,
    so it would seem that everything looks/appears good.


— when i select the new boot entry, the machine boots up into the desired partition B:\,

— as evidenced under Disk Management's "Status" column:

B: = (Healthy, Boot, Crash Dump, Logical Drive)
C: = (Healthy, Primary Partition)

— but it's the base.2 INSTANCE of the OS which is actually booted — NOT the base.0 that I intend,

— as evidenced by the presence of base.2 desktop, Start Menu, apps, etc.

I'll greatly appreciate the help to understand what/how other internal components need to be changed – in addition to the new BCD entry, for this type of procedure to be successful.

Thank You

Best Answer

Every Window Vista, Windows 7/8/10 loader specifies two drive letters for its target (the OS to be booted) - "device" and "osdevice".

You can use bcdedit /enum all /v to view all present loaders in BCD.

bcdedit /set ... 

can be used to change every parameter of a loader.

For easier to viewing and changing complete BCD contents use Visual BCD Editor.

Version of tool can also create automatically loaders for Windows 7 installations which do not have an entry (loader) in BCD. Look for "Create missing Windows loaders" option on right-click.

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