Chrome – How to Restore Recently Closed Tabs List


I have Chrome on my machine set to open all tabs it had open the last time I used it.

Chrome's startup settings

Sometimes (quite often, it seems, although less than half the time) it completely fails, so I have to manually reopen closed tabs. Okay, whatever,

But sometimes the list of recently closed tabs gets removed/erased/expunged/truncated/whatever, and I'm unable to recover them. I'm sure this information is saved somewhere on my machine (and since I have Time Machine running, I'd hope I can recover it if it has been overwritten).

Where is this information stored?

To be clear: I'm not asking how to open recently closed tabs, I'm asking how to restore the list when it has gone away.

Best Answer

Turn off Chrome while you do this, to avoid any possible conflict over who is editing or changing files.

Find Current Tabs in Time Machine (or whatever backup software you're using) from a time before Chrome lost your tabs.

You'll find it here on a Mac:

~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Current\ Tabs\

or if you use Chrome Canary:

~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome\ Canary/Default/Current\ Tabs

Rename the existing Current Tabs to something else, and restore the one from your backup.

Start Chrome.

You should now see the recently closed tabs under History → Recently Closed.

(If you do not have a backup, or just don't have one handy, you can also try using Last Tabs. It seems like it ought to work, but I have not tested it.)

UPDATE: Since this is likely to happen again (and again and again and...), it's a good idea to take pre-emptive measures to be prepared. The best pre-emptive measure that I've found to make session recovery easier when Chrome drops the ball is to install the Session Buddy Chrome plugin. It does a far better job than the built-in session management, and also better than any other plugin I've tried. (It's also the highest rated, at the moment I'm writing this.)