How to restart DSL modem betweenwhiles automatically

dsl-modeminternet connectionsoftware-rec

I have a standard ADSL cable modem. My ISP is troublesome and sometimes internet connection goes off until I have to restart the modem. I usually leave my PC open while I'm out. So if the connection goes off, a software should restart the modem periodically, e.g. once an hour. Is there a software that can do this?

OS: Windows 7

Best Answer

Some things to try:


(according the product page telnet remote management is supported)
so try this in a command prompt:

  1. Telnet "the ip of your router" (generally or
  2. You will be prompted for user name & password (if it's not set, generaly admin/admin or root/root or look in the manual)
  3. Try "reboot" or "restart" (or "help" or "?" to find the similar command)

If it's succesful you could use tst10 to create a script and add it to your scheduler (you could also test your connection in the script...)

Web interface:
differents ways:

  • Sometimes the reset command is called by a simple html, so a shortcut to this page (in scheduler) will do the trick.
  • With the firefox extensions Live Http Header or FireBug you could inspect what's sended by the web interface when you reboot the modem, to reproduce it in a more convenient way
  • Sikuli (script engine using screenshots)
  • Autohotkey (powerfull script/macro engine)
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