How to resize VLC window


I'm running VLC 2.0.6 on Windows 7. The application launches by running in full screen mode, and I'm unable to resize.

My CTRL+P Video Settings are as follows:

  • Display > Fullscreen is unchecked.

  • Always on top is unchecked

How can I configure VLC to allow me to re-size and move window to different positions on my monitor?

Best Answer

F11 will toggle the window between full screen and windowed view.

If VLC is defaulting to open in full screen, you can change that in Windows 7 by

  1. Open VLC.
  2. Resize the window to the desired default size (if you are in full screen, switch to window view first).
  3. Close out of VLC.

Now the next time you open VLC it should open in the view you last left it.

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