How to resize images without a loss in quality


I have a number of JPEG images with a resolution of 2010 x 1080.

I want to create an index page for these images which has smaller versions of the originals that I can zoom in on. I tried to do this by resizing the images to a resolution of 338 x 450, but when I zoomed in on one of these smaller images, the quality was not good (there was a noticeable loss of image quality).

How do I resize these image to 338 x 450 without losing image quality? Do I need some special software?

Best Answer

Maybe, what you want to get is a click-to-enlarge small thumbnail popping up the full version of your image in its full glory?

Some basic HTML will do that.

<a href="biggerimage.jpg"><img src="thumb.gif" alt="Click to zoom"/></a>
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