How to reset BIOS on ASUS F5


My BIOS is password-protected, so that I can't access the BIOS settings (I don't have problems with booting into Windows XP). The BIOS is made by American Megatrends (AMI). I've been trying some utilities to reset the BIOS from Windows, but I don't think that's possible (I don't want to mess up my computer and I find Command Prompt to be quite difficult to use). I've attempted to reset the CMOS through a hardware method, but I can't find a switch/plug/button to do so. The only place I haven't checked is under the RAM, because they're held quite firmly and I don't want to brake anything, since I'm not used to working with hardware componenets. So, is there any way for me to reset the BIOS? Thank you very much.

Best Answer

CmosPwd claims to support AMI BIOSes, perhaps you should give that a try. Or, of course, call the manufacturer.

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