How to repair damaged repository (which has a centralized .svn directory)


I recently upgraded my TortoiseSVN installation to version 1.7.1. This forced me to upgrade my working copy as well. The upgrade removed all (but one) of the .svn directories from all subdirectories leaving only one in the root.

Now out of the blue (of course; I suspect my antivirus software) there is an error when I for example try to clean up the working copy. I am also not able to commit anything.

The error message when cleaning up is:

Cleanup failed to process the following paths: C:\svn

Can't open
The system cannot find the file specified.

I traced the error to be related to the presence of one directory within the working copy. If I rename it then everything works. When it is present I get the error. I also deleted it and checked it out again. No change, the error persists.

With previous versions I could repair damages in the .svn easily: just delete the offending folder and check out again. I cannot do this anymore because now the .svn dir is centralized.

What could I do to repair my working copy?

Best Answer

Can't open file 'C:\svn.svn\pristine\73\73bcc5fa7819f84f56b81dfa0236f0aac7b7d404.svn-base

I just had a similar error and I actually had to make that file with notepad and then cleanup worked.

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