Windows – How to render fonts in Windows 8 like in XP

anti-aliasingcleartypefontswindows 8

I just got new PC and upgraded from XP to Windows 8 (yeah I skipped Vista and Win7) and now I have a problem with all this font rendering with smoothing-antialiasing-ClearType crapola. It is hard to read smaller fonts and to work as a web designer/css/html and etc., it's simply impossible, small fonts are totally unreadable and it hurts my eyes.

How do I make it render fonts in sharp pixels without any antialiasing/smoothing effects on Windows 8? Just like in good old XP?

I found that ClearType settings in Control Panel and disable it, but it wrecks the fonts totally and makes it even worse.

So I also Google'd a lot and found out some registry hacks and etc, it kinda fixed the problem, all fonts sharp and no antialiasing and etc. But now there's another problem. Firefox is not rendering the web fonts/Google fonts/the ones that comes in smooth/antialiasing by default.

So how do I keep antialiasing web fonts support on Firefox and how I keep sharp non-cleartype fonts on Windows 8 system/folder/tabs/windows at the same time?

This is serious, I cannot work on my projects with crazy issues like this.

There's what I am talking about (the one I need is 'GOOD'):


Best Answer

You're one of the very rare guys who dislike font smoothing. I cannot live with those ugly, eye hurting XP-style rendering type. But if you really want to change rendering mode, try this.

Mactype is another good option. It's an open source replacement (among others, but right now it's the most updated) for Windows font renderer based on FreeType. You can try different rendering mode, or even disable anti-aliasing completely

mactype aliasing option

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