How to rename a session in tmux


When I first started using tmux, I didn't give my first session a name. Then, as I started creating different sessions for different tasks (work, play, etc), I started naming my sessions.

Now I have a bunch of different sessions, but the first one doesn't have a name. How can I name (or rename) it, both from within tmux and from a shell prompt?

Best Answer

From within tmux

Short way: prefix, then dollar sign:

Ctrl + B, $


Long way: prefix, then colon:

Ctrl + B, :

Then type this command at the prompt:

rename-session [-t current-name] [new-name]

If the current session name (-t current-name) is not specified, the currently attached session will be renamed.

By default the session name will be in brackets in the lower left corner of tmux. You can list all sessions and switch between them with:

Ctrl + B, s

From shell prompt

You can rename tmux sessions with

tmux rename-session [-t current-name] [new-name]

To find your session names, do tmux list-sessions -- it will be in the left-most column.

If the current session name (-t current-name) is not specified, the most recently used session will be renamed.

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