How to remove watermark from pdf using pdftk


I need to remove some stupid email watermark that expands across all pages of a public domain book. I looked at pdftk man page and some examples but still can not figure out how to remove the watermarks. I appreciate your hints.

Best Answer

very simply task to perform:

use sed:

 sed -e "s/watermarktextstring/ /g" <input.pdf >unwatermarked.pdf

but, after, be sure to repair resulting output pdf

pdftk unwatermarked.pdf output fixed.pdf && mv fixed.pdf unwatermarked.pdf

all into one command:

 sed -e "s/watermarktextstring/ /g" <input.pdf >unwatermarked.pdf && pdftk unwatermarked.pdf output fixed.pdf && mv fixed.pdf unwatermarked.pdf

text watermarks are nothing else than a text between two tags inside the pdf compressed code