Windows 7 – How to Remove the First Character from All Filenames in a Folder

renamewindows 7

I need to remove the first character (which is always "_") from all filenames in a folder.

I'm currently using this command: ren _*.txt *.txt But it doesn't work.

However, if I run ren _*.txt A*.txt it perfectly works, but it is not what I want.

Best Answer

again, try powershell ;)

Run this in your desired directory:

get-childitem *.txt | rename-item -newname { [string]($ }

- get-childitem *.txt collects all *.txt-files in the actual directory.
- rename-item -newname renames the piped results from the get-childitem command with the string that is generated in {}
- [string]($ takes the filename starting after the first character

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