Windows – How to remove accent color from Start menu tiles only

windowswindows 10

I'm Windows 10 user (newest updates as of 2015.12.23).
I would love to change my accent color to some bright color like yellow.

But this also changes background of tiles in Start menu. And that looks ugly and unreadable.

Is there any way to disable accent color for Start menu tiles?

Dark accent color:

Dark accent color

Bright accent color:

Bright accent color

Best Answer

  1. Set the color you want the Start Menu tiles to be in the SettingsPersonalizationColor.
  2. Open regedit.
  3. To change the active window border color...
    1. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM.
    2. Set the value of AccentColorMenu to ff00b9ff (this is the yellow color from your screenshot). The value is ABGR Hex (Alpha, Blue, Green, Red).
  4. To change the active window title bar color...
    1. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM.
    2. Set the value of AccentColor to ff00b9ff.
    3. Set the value of ColorPrevalence to 1 (0 will make the active window title bar white).

Changes should take effect as soon as you change focus to another window.

Obviously, I can't show you my Start Menu and an Active Window in one screenshot, so I just took a few and made a GIF.

Different accent color for Start Menu and Windows


  1. I have no idea yet where the Start Menu and Taskbar are pulling the accent color from.
  2. I'm running on Windows 10 version 1803. I have not tried this with earlier versions.
  3. One of my tiles is red because I was messing with .VisualElementsManifest.xml method to change the color of individual tiles.
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