How to prevent terminating command to send EOF to named pipes


The problem I faced is exactly this one:

I want to be able to run a program which takes stdin, and write data
to it whenever I feel like it. I can do this with fifo named pipes. e.g.:

txtplay < named_pipe.fifo

echo "Hello World" > named_pipe.fifo

However, this has the disadvantage of the first command exiting
after the second has finished. What I want is the same as:


in effect, so I can just stick in my data whenever I like, and not worry
about it seeing end-of-file. Unfortunately, I cannot simply do this, as I
want the data to be sent to it to be processed through a filter before the
program sees it.

Why don't I just load the program each time I want to send data to
it? Too slow.

What I want, basically, is a way of redirecting the output of a
given command to a fifo named pipe, without the end-of-file. While I'm at
it, how does this EOF business work? Is there a special "EOF" command, or is
it when no more data is received, or when the original program outputting
the data exits?

Is there any solution to that?

Best Answer

Run all your commands in a sub-shell (or in bash, within parenthesis), and redirect the subshell to the named pipe.

     # some stuff
     echo "foo"
     # some other stuff
     echo "bar"
     # end of my commands
) > /home/foo/bar/named_pipe

And to answer the EOF question, EOF is written when the file handle closes. If you redirect from a program, you get EOF when that program (echo, in this case) terminates. By encapsulating multiple commands in parenthesis, you only get one EOF when the close parenthesis is reached.

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