Firefox – Prevent Firefox from Converting ‘localhost/*’ URLs into Search Queries


Since upgrading from Firefox 3.6.x, my address bar has a quirk that never used to be there. When I type in, for example:


Firefox turns it into a search query, my search engine is Google. To work around this (after forgetting I need to do this almost every time for FF), I must type in:


This way, I am directed correctly to my localhost server. I don't need to do this for any other browser, and I thought this Q/A on URL trimming might change the behaviour, but it didn't.

Any ideas on how I can prevent 'localhost' from being turned into a search query?

Best Answer

  1. Type about:config in the URL bar
  2. In the filter search box, type browser.fixup.alternate.suffix
  3. Double click this entry to edit it and remove: .com

Now your localhost files should work without having to add http://.