How to prevent bad sectors

bad-sectorshard driverepairssd

I used to have bad sectors on my SSD about one month ago. I had fixed them through performing one level of zero formatting. However, after few days, when I was rechecking, I have found bad sectors again. Now, I am considering to wipe my drive again. Hence, taking backup, making drive free and losing data will be inevitable.

My question is, How can I prevent getting bad sectors again? And what is the best way in order to repair them?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You can't prevent bad sectors.
If you reformat all you are doing is remapping around them, so they're no longer available for use.
They cannot be repaired & if they start to appear at an increasing rate, it's a good sign your drive is on its last legs, about to fail.
Backup & replace before that happens.. not after.

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